Awakening the Global Heart

Education for Peace Globalnet Meeting

Arlington, VA – USA – July, 7-10

We are inviting you to participate in the North American Education for Peace Globalnet Meeting that will be held at the Hyatt Regency Crystal City Hotel, Arlington, Virginia, from July 7 to 10, 2005, as part of the IONS – Institute of Noetic Sciences - Conference. The participation at the Globalnet Meeting requires your registration at the Conference.

Besides offering the participation of a keynote speaker, workshop presenters and rituals, the Education for Peace Globalnet is organizing four specific sessions: two World Cafes, July 8 th and 10 th and two Networking Sessions July 8 thand 9 th. Project leaders or members of the partner organizations are invited to participate in these sessions sharing their work and reflections.

Globalnet is contributing to the discussions of the general theme of the IONS Conference - “Consciousness and Healing: essential shifts for personal, social and global transformation”. The specific topic for Globalnet sessions is the “Awakening of the Global Heart” that will guide the actions of Redepaz in the second part of the Decade for a Culture of Peace.

Awakening the Global Heart will inspire the realization of many Local Peace Meetings and the development of a number of Learning and Action Communities committed to building a culture of peace and nonviolence for the children of the world. The preparatory sessions for these local meetings -“preps” - will include developing knowledge about the concrete situation of the local communities, the meaningful and effective projects being implemented and the possibilities of disseminating and applying directly “tools for peace” created by the organizations and global networks cooperating through Redepaz.

Developing meaningful ties among people, that can support, from the heart, the transformational process of these communities will empower our networks and all that are moving in the direction of planting in their lives and in society the seeds of a planetary culture based in love, justice, plenty and enjoyment.

We hope you can join us in Washington. Registration and information on IONS Conference: