Building a Global Culture of Peace

Education for Peace Globalnet Meeting
VI International Holistic Conference


Findhorn – Scotland
September 25th October 2nd, 2004


We invite you to feel inspired by:

Ervin Lazlo 

President of the Club of Budapest and author of “Navigating the Macroshift”




The latest findings in the empirical sciences disclose ever more aspects of the fundamental connectedness of all elements of the real world, from quanta to galaxies, including life and mind.  Connectedness and the connectivity that underlies it change our view of the nature of the universe, of the organism, and of consciousness itself.  The emerging view has important implications for society, for it could create more solidarity and responsibility in the human family.  The connectivity-paradigm should be a main element of the programs and curricula of both science and civic education. 

Ervin Laszlo is Founder and President of The Club of Budapest, Founder and Director of the General Evolution Research Group, Administrator of the Interdisciplinary University of Paris, Fellow of the World Academy of Arts and Sciences, Member of the International Academy of Philosophy of Science, Senator of the International Medici Academy, and Editor of the international periodical World Futures: The Journal of General Evolution.  

Laszlo is the author or co-author of forty-five books translated into as many as twenty languages, and the editor of another twenty-nine volumes including a four-volume encyclopedia.

In addition to his theoretical work, Laszlo is noted for his work in the futures and management fields.  He has a PhD from the Sorbonne and is the recipient of four honorary PhD’s (from the United States, Canada, Finland, and Hungary).  

He received the Peace Prize of Japan, the Goi Award in 2002, and has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2004.  Formerly Professor of Philosophy, Systems Science, and Futures Studies in various universities in the US, Europe, and the Far East, Laszlo lectures worldwide, and in the winter of 2003/2004 held a visiting Professorship at the University of Stuttgart in Germany.

Laszlo lives in a four-hundred year-old converted farmhouse in Tuscany with his Finnish-born wife Carita.  His sons Christopher and Alexander, who live with their families in the United States, follow in his footsteps, the former in the sustainability and ethical management consulting field and the latter in the academic domain where together with his wife Kathia he combines evolutionary theory with evolutionary community consulting.

Peter Russel 

Author of “The Awakening Earth: the Global Brain”.


Science, Consciousness and Synchronicity

Peter Russell articulates a new worldview in which consciousness is as fundamental as space, time, and matter-or even more so. This leads to a radical new understanding of mystical and religious teachings, and to a new worldview in which science and spirituality are no longer in conflict. All beings share the same essence, and recognizing the true nature of this essence helps free the mind, allowing us to be more in the present moment, act more in harmony with our environment, and be more open to the synchronicities that surrounds us.

A Brief CV

Peter Russell is a fellow of the Institute of Noetic Sciences, of The World Business Academy and of The Findhorn Foundation, and an Honorary Member of The Club of Budapest.

As a student, he studied mathematics and theoretical physics. Then, as he became increasingly fascinated by the mysteries of the human mind he changed to experimental psychology. Pursuing this interest, he traveled to India to study meditation and eastern philosophy, and on his return to the UK and took up the first research post ever offered in Britain on the psychology of meditation.

He also has a post-graduate degree in computer science, and conducted there some of the early work on 3-dimensional displays, presaging by some twenty years the advent of virtual reality.

In the mid-seventies Peter Russell joined forces with Tony Buzan and helped teach "Mind Maps" and learning methods to a variety of international organizations and educational institutions. Since then his corporate programs have focused increasingly on self-development, creativity, stress management, and sustainable environmental practices.

His principal interest is the deeper, spiritual significance of the times we are passing through. He has written several books in this area -- The TM Technique, The Upanishads, The Brain Book, The Global Brain Awakens, The Creative Manager, The Consciousness Revolution, Waking Up in Time, and From Science to God.

As one of the more revolutionary futurists Peter Russell has been a keynote speaker at many international conferences, in Europe, Japan and the USA. His multi-image shows and videos, The Global Brain and The White Hole in Time have won praise and prizes from around the world. In 1993 the environmental magazine Buzzworm voted Peter Russell "Eco-Philosopher Extraordinaire" of the year. His age is 21249.

Dadi Janki and Sister Jayanti

Spiritual leaders of the University of Brahma Kumaris


Soul Power, God's Power and the Power of Time

Soul power, God's power and the power of time are connecting now.  Now is the time that God is awakening the energy of the soul and making us aware of the amazing time that we are presently passing through.  God's power of truth and love, the power of purity of the soul and the energy of the time are in the process of recreating a world of truth.

 We will also share briefly on two outreach projects of the Brahma Kumaris: 'The Call of The Time' dialogues and 'Images and Voices of Hope'. 

A Brief CV

Sister Jayanti is a sought-after spiritual teacher and emissary for peace.  For more than 30 years she has trained with some of the world's most remarkable yogis.  She is the European Director of the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University and assists in co-ordinating the University's activities in over 80 countries.  Sister Jayanti has a unique ability to impart deep spiritual truths with the utmost clarity.  Her natural wisdom and gentle, though powerful personality have touched and inspired millions of people throughout the world. 


Jean-Yves Leloup 

Philosopher, Hesicaste Priest, PHD in Transpersonal Psychology

Barney Leith 

Secretary, National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha´is of the UK

Pierre Weil 

Dean of Unipaz-Holistic International University

Graig Gibsone 

Findhorn Ecovillages Project Education Coordinator



Australian, has lived for the last 36 years at the Findhorn Ecovillage being its director twice and is currently a community elder. For 30 years has been focalizing groups on self-growth and empowerment and has been involved with men’s movement both North and South. He is an artist and musician and a teacher  of the International Holistic University. Craig works internationally as a community-building consultant.

May East 

International Relations Director at the Findhorn Foundation


Ecovillages: New Frontiers for Sustainability

This presentation will give an overview of the ecovillage model within the context of a planetary movement towards sustainable human settlements.  We will look at the 10 years’ history of the ecovillage movement and how the so called  “Habitat Revolution” is unfolding.  We will start exploring how ecovillages move toward sustainability by looking at local organic food production; ecological building; renewable energy systems; cooperative, social economies; inclusive decision-making processes; cultural and spiritual diversity; integrated holistic health care; global networking; holistic and ‘whole person’ education.  This evening will also introduce participants to aspects of the Findhorn Ecovillage.

A Brief CV

May East is a Brazilian social activist who has worked with music, indigenous people, women, antinuclear and environmental movements in her home country for over 25 years. Since 1992 she lives in the Findhorn Ecovillage where currently she is the Ecovillage Education Coordinator, the Director for International Relations between the Foundation, the Global Ecovillage Network  and the United Nations and a trustee.  May is a teacher of the International Holistic University and works with intergovernmental and UN agencies   in educating and developing policy guidance for sustainable development and for delivery of village-scale sustainability programmes.

Roberto Crema

Director of Unipaz Holistic International University


Transcommunication and Integral Health

The transdisciplinary approach in therapy recognises the coexistence of interwoven levels of reality.  From this, a universe of complexity emerges, open to what Lupasco and Niculescu call "the logic of the third included"   dogma trialetica?.  A unity that is open to the world which includes the experience of the sacred.  

Beyond the analytical mind, the exercise in the integrated field of health invites the journey  of synthesis between the masculine function of reason and sensation, and the feminine function of heart and intuition.

Analyst and sintetyst are two diverse and complementary hearings, that provide the alliance between the personal  and transpersonal, causality and synchronicity, between the  territory of communication and transcommunication.  We will reflect on this possibility based on current and ample experiments.

A Brief CV

Roberto Crema   Psychologist and anthropologist.  Transactional analyst.  Coordinator in Brazil of the International College of Therapists.  Vice Rector UNIPAZ Network

Carlos Emediato

Educator, Coordinator of Redepaz-Education for Peace Globalnet



The civilisation shift we are in is a multidimensional transition process that challenges our perceptions, motivations and the way we organize our relations. This process requires a converging vision - shared concepts, images and values - to build the foundations for the coming planetary culture. The main world wisdom traditions are able to provide the ground for a coordinated process of building this new vision. They can also help to provide the motivation and the capacity of organizing healing, governance, citizenship, surviving and celebrating strategies. Designing and building communities and networks are attempts to discover the possibilities of a new architecture of human relations. Connectivity & Synchronicity are concepts/experiences that are challenging us to see space and time from the eyes of a multidimensional reality. Their practical consequences are the possibility of promoting the conditions for a civilisation shift to a more harmonius, creative and revealing order.

A Brief CV

Carlos Emediato is a sociologist and Ph.D. on Politics of Education - Stanford University. Trained in Psychosynthesis. He studied two years under Tarthang Tulku Rimpoche - Nyingma Institute, Berkeley. Teacher of Graduate Programs of Education - Federal University of Minas Gerais -79-84 - and Social Psychology - Pontificial Catholic University of São Paulo-84-86 - Visiting Scholar at Stanford University - 87-88 is now teaching Public Policy Studies for public managers - Fundap-97-04 - and leading human development worshops for educators, therapists and community leaders. Director of the Studies of the Future Institute, is the Coordinator of the Education for Peace Globalnet

Simone Ramounoulou

Executive Director of Willis Harman House, Redepaz Globalnet


Humanist, Business Administrator and Consultant in International Projects. After formal Humanistic Studies at Florence University (Italy) she developed special programs of organizational integration and learning process focused in Human Values and active techniques for Governamental, Entrepreneurial and Public Instruction sectors.

Executive Director of the World Business Academy, Institute of Noetic Sciences and Club of Budapest in Brazil. Co-founder of the Willis Harman House, São Paulo/Brazil. Executive Director and General Coordinator of The Natural Step in Brazil. 

Coordinator of SOL-BR processes (Society for Organizational Learning/Peter Senge) and URI United Religions Initiative in Brazil.

Executive Director of Education for Peace Globalnet Program – Building a Global Culture of Peace. 

Frances Rose Feder 


Therapist, Networker, Redepaz Globalnet

Members of the Findhorn Ecovillage and other speakers to be confirmed

Booking Information:
International booking:
Phone: +44(0)1309 690311

Brazilian booking:
Phone: 55(61)224 7818

For further information:
The Conference Office
The Findhorn Foundation, The Park,
Findhorn, Forres IV36 3TZ
Phone: +44(0)1309 690311

Supported by:

Willis Harman House – Triom (Publisher and Study Centre) – Taygeta (Publisher and Consultancy)

The Findhorn Foundation is one of the founders of the Global Network of Ecovillages and an NGO registered at the UN Department of Public Information.

Building a Planetary Culture